Well this has been a fun week!
I've spent most of my spare time playing with some medi-evil throwback weaponry in the gym and working on some new movements.

Last weekend Mel and I attended the Onnit Academy Foundations Certification. It was a full weekend of information, some old and some new. Taught by the exceptional Shane Heins and Sam Pogue day one covered core concepts of movement as well as a training philosophy that really aligns with Nexusfit.
"Total Human Optimization"
Day two covered the toys... Onnit Trains with unconventional training equipment. Including the Battleropes, Kettlebells and SandBags - what I was most excited for was the introduction of the Steel Clubs and Steel Mace. Some totally new (to me) pieces of equipmet which open up whole new movements. This is exciting as it's going to enable me and the other Nexusfit trainers to access whole new planes, ranges and lines in our and our clients training. Look out! Some new stuff coming your way!
And look out Onnit, we'll be back for some more courses in the future!